Quality management certified in accordance with ISO 9001

Our management system is certified in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001:2015.

We have oriented our core processes consistently according to our customers’ needs and requirements.
We document our customers’ feedback and use it to improve continuously.
And guess who profits from this the most: you! Thanks to our standardized and methodical approach, we ensure the high quality of our services.

ISO 17100 – an international standard with dual control

As an international standard, ISO 17100 is a good benchmark. It defines a particular quality that should be achieved by a service provider when performing a translation job. It includes especially the careful selection of translators and editors and the skills required. Defining the core process for translations according to the dual control principle is another component of the standard; that is, after translation, the source text and translated text are checked by an editor.

Why does this ensure you security and benefits? Our processes and the project management team have been certified in accordance with this international standard for many years. And they appreciate standards so they can build their own benchmarks on them. Because we're Dokuwerk, not just another service provider.

Content management and service information: Certified by Quanos

SCHEMA ST4 is a leading content management system, which is used to create and publish complex documents. Complex documents are all documents that are aggregated from individual modules, versioned, and translated. This applies to instructions, data sheets, and catalogues.

Quanos Gold Partner

We are a Quanos Gold Partner, and we have in-house SCHEMA ST4 installations on which we create technical documentation and catalogues for our customers. As a Gold Partner, we always have the latest version of SCHEMA ST4.

Quanos Authorized Partner

The Quanos InfoTwin is a modular cloud solution. With the InfoTwin, it is possible to link product information with service and spare parts information out of the box, so that it is ready to use immediately.

Dokuwerk is an Authorized Partner of Quanos Service Solutions. This means that we focus on service and after-sales information. We advise our customers on the implementation of the Quanos InfoTwin so that they can also profit from the added value that the linking of technical documentation and service information offers.

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